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CEO forum and launch of the SDGWatch Tamil Nadu

  25-27 September 2017, Chennai

To initiate a civil society process to monitor the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Tamil Nadu, and possible way forward for achieving the inclusive agenda of SDGs in all sectors, a three day CEO Forum was organised from 25 – 27 September 2017 at Chennai.
The meeting was held in the backdrop of India submitting its first National Voluntary Review Report on the status of fulfilment at the UN in July 2017 and the second anniversary of SDG adoption at the UN. SDGWatch Tamil Nadu was launched on the final day.

Briefing material
Source Book 2017:

The SDG Watch source book 2017 (pdf, Tamil) is based on the global indicator framework developed by the UN’s Inter-Agency and Expert Group, the national indicators developed by the Government of India (Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, MoSPI) and those suggested by CSOs. It has extracts from the Voluntary National Review Report by the Government of India, the civil society reports by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA), Progress towards inclusive sustainable development goals – Dalits and Adivasis in India by the Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF) and the UN handbook on SDGs for elected representatives in local government. It is the first comprehensive compiliation on the SDGs in Tamil.

From MDGs to SDGs: Understanding the post MDG process leading to SDGs presentation by Fr. Thomas Pallithanam, Representative of the Salesian congregation at the UN.

Sustainable Development Goals: An overview, and the national process presentation by Annie Namala, National Convenor, Wada Na Todo Abhiyan

Child Rights and SDGs – Concepts and action points presentation by R. Vidya Sagar, Consultant

Women’s Rights & SDGs Presentation by Ranjani K Murthy, Independent Researcher and Consultant

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