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The pursuit of Gender Equility in India and Maharashtra

Localising SDGs- Gender Equality in Maharashtra and India

Localizing Sustainable Development Goals

The pursuit of Gender Equality in India and Maharashtra

Sustainable Development Goals: An Opportunity for Transformative Impact:
In 2015, when Agenda 2030 was introduced with its 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 impact-indicators, gender equality was prioritized as a crucial and cross-cutting issue. SDG 5 explicitly focused on achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls through the advancement of their social, economic and political rights. This led to a wider recognition of the need for gender-responsive development programmes at the global, national and local levels. With a view to address the gender-differentiated impact of SDGs, new tools for measuring progress and unconventional partnerships to ‘leave no one behind’ came to the forefront…

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