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SDG3: Good Health and Well-being – SDGWatch Tamil Nadu

SDG3: Good Health and Well-being

SDGWatch Status Report Tamil Nadu 2021 (People with disabilities during the pandemic)

‘ Health is wealth is an adage that elbowed its way into the forefront of global consciousness and endeavor in 2020. Whether it is – is not was, because the pandemic is not yet behind us – a black swan, a grey rhino, or an harbinger of worse to come is a debate for the ages. What is not in doubt is that the underspending on social welfare and building strong democratic institutions enabled the virus to become a raging pandemic that has wiped off a major part of the world’s economy, resulted in hundreds of thousands of painful and lonely deaths, scarred a whole generation of children and you, unleashed the threshold of social violence – and this is just the start…..

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